***Warning*** This is not for everyone.
Hi, my name is Tina, and I wanted to share the 5 tips I have done AND successfully lost the weight. Even though I have restarted so many times, these are great ways to start. They are easy and you probably have heard them before, so here’s a refresher.
Tip 1: Keep it up- Starting off can be daunting with sore muscle, chub rub, you name it I felt it. The first 3 weeks I cursed out all the fries and sodas I have ever had. I was mad cause it hurt to run to walk. But it got better and practice makes perfect. I witnessed my biggest weight loss come from increasing my exercising activities. Also knowing my body type/ shape helps me understand how much I have to burn to lose weight. So with me, I have to exercise 5-6 a week for a minimum of 45 minutes- 1 hour. Of course, this is an estimated time. After the first 5 weeks, I lost 6-10 pounds. It's not an easy feat and can be doable with tip two.
Tip 2: Time Management- We all are mostly busy people, juggling whatever the day throws at us. With work, family responsibilities, and everything in-between days are not long enough. Here a secret, there is time to work out. You have to schedule it in. Or find creative ways to fit in some form of exercise. I gave back my car rental and started to bike to and from work as my commute. I did that on top of my workout schedule so just in case I worked late and couldn’t work out, I still had my bike miles. Something was better than nothing. Even when I had two jobs, I found an empty office or storeroom and busted out some planks and push-ups, or changed clothes and did a 7-minute workout on my 30-minute break. Fit it in some way and when you add a regular workout, everything else is extra credit.
Tip 3: Find your community- You ever get dressed for the gym, drive there and sit in the parking lot and makeup 10 excuses on why you can’t go in? I have and still do every time, but I still go {Tip 1}. I have a group challenge where I paid a $500 deposit as insurance for my weight loss goals. It's called accountability. What I was not going to do is lose $500 and still be overweight. If I was going to lose something it was going to be fat. Now that is my extreme way of sticking to this journey this time. What helped me before and now is having my tribe who wants to see me succeed and give support along the way. Like we all know what it's going to feel like after this boot camp class but you're not alone. Find classes at your gym or apps with work out groups that you can find like-minded people. Struggle in success together.
Tip 4: Change is good- Running and walking is good and with someone else, it can be better, because let's face it, it's also boring as hell. I used to run cross country track and field, 4 years varsity I know, trust me. It can also be hard and hurts when you first start. Coming from couch surfing to running 3 miles 5 days a week, it's downright painful. Did you hear of runner itch? It's the worst feeling. To combat my body fatigue and almost muscle atrophy, I use different classes or workout types to help bypass that pain. Performing HIIT group classes (Tip 3), Hot Yoga, or even getting a bike, you target different areas in your body as a warm-up you can say. Then you can change it up and never get bored. Running now is what I do minimally if I don't make my classes(Tip 2). I work out and feel results and that speeds up my weight loss vs just running.
Tip 5: Can’t outrun a bad diet- This by far is the hardest for me. I want my cake and eat it too, literally. As much as I work out I can’t eat the same things that got me to be overweight. I do eat bad and drink sometimes even with this weight loss but it's also in smaller consumption. What works for me is swapping out what I love for a healthy version. Like I hate water, I love soda, so I just buy expensive bubbly water, or I buy energy fizz packets to add to my water (also not cheap), add fruits to it as well. I love carbs as I in love with them and when I do not have time to get something healthy I just make sure to take off any extra carbs I don't need. Like top bun on a burger or ordering it without a bun. I also stop over buying at the grocery stores. I find that I waste more food than cooking it and meal prep takes so much time. I grab bag salads or hit up the salad bar and the food is hot and ready to go. No-fuss no cleanup and I keep it interesting by trying new stuff. Do I spend more that way, maybe at first but throwing away food out of laziness is way worse?
These steps have now helped me lose 30 pounds in 3 months. They have helped me do this before, so join me on this journey and let me lose the unhealthy weight and gain some new friends along the way.