We are here, 10 days into 2021 and already it's not looking good. Covid-19 is still on the rise in the US with over 619k cases and over 10k deaths. Just a few days ago the US capital was taken over by an angry mob, leaving 5 people dead. Many of us were looking forward to 2021 due to 2020 being a year of death, job lose, political madness and our children adjusting to online schooling.
I have a solution for ALL of us and the solution is to plan ahead. Create a plan for the "what ifs" of our lives. If we do nothing else this year, we ALL need to get a pen and paper or get our laptops and create a plan. This plan will focus on health, wealth and family legacy. Here's 3 important steps on how to get started:

1) HEALTH: Set up your yearly physical and be sure to get a full scan of blood work and follow up with your doctor with any concerns. Use your employer's resources and set up EAP counseling session for your mental health, most employers give you 8 sessions for free. Commit to 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week and eliminating fast food and high calories foods from your diet. Gym membership not needed, you can workout at home or take walks around your neighborhood.
2) WEALTH: Create a budget and track every single cent you spend. You will be surprise how much you spend in a certain category like food. This budget should incorporate saving 3-6 months of expenses. Most experts believe you should have enough money in your emergency fund to cover at least 3 to 6 months' worth of living expenses (VANGUARD, 2021). Get a 2nd stream of income if time allows, there are more remote jobs than ever since COVID.
3) FAMILY LEGACY: Meet with an estate or probate attorney and establish a will for you and your family. If you opt for this benefits during open enrollment with your job, the cost can be minimal.
There is so much going on in this world, beyond our control. But take the necessary steps to take control of what matter most to you: Health, Wealth, and Family Legacy!
Why are the most simple things the hardest? Great article. Makes sense!